The following projects were awarded grants in July 2011
No.2624: A grant of €7,000 was approved for the a skills training project in weaving and tailoring at St. Josephine Training Centre, Nebbi, Uganda
No.2639: The sum of €8,500 was approved for a water/sanitation project at the Archbishop Joseph Kiwanuka Memorial Primary School, Mpigi, Uganda
No.2641: €8,000 was awarded for the construction of a dispensary at Tamil Nadu, India.
No.2643: A grant of €5,000 was approved for a project for workshops for the Intellectually Challenged at Mamenda, Cameroon.
No.2645: St. Agatha’s Commercial College Hohoe, Ghana was approved for a grant of €7,500 for the provision of water tanks at the College.
No.2646: The sum of €8,500 was agreed for St. Joseph’s Junior College Kadapa, India for the training of women in Fashion Designing.
No.2647: St. John Paul Primary School, Masaka, Uganda was awarded a grant of €6,000 for a sanitation project.
No.2652: The Association Comunitaria de Irmandade, Bahia, Brazil was approved for a grant of €7,000 for the training of 20 Natural Medicine Therapists.